Public notices Friday, June 21, 2024
Indigenous Access Line: 1 855 394-3535
The Barreau du Québec informs and supports Indigenous communities

If you are a member of an Indigenous community and have questions about the work of a member of the Barreau, the Indigenous Access Line is for you!
To further accomplish its mission of protecting the public and promoting access to justice, the Barreau du Québec is proud to launch the Indigenous Access Line, which was set up to raise awareness of the services offered by the Barreau and the Office of its Syndic among Indigenous communities, and particularly the Inuit of Nunavik.
The Indigenous Access Line allows you to speak with a dedicated person at the Office of the Syndic to obtain information about the work of lawyers in general or to ask about legal services you have received. However, the Indigenous Access Line will not provide you with legal advice, only information related to the Barreau du Québec’s mission and the work of the Office of the Syndic.

The Indigenous Access Line is available from 8:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday during business days.
Toll-free: 1 855 394 3535
- If no one can take your call, feel free to leave a message and call back later.
This new dedicated service complements the four informative video clips aimed at strengthening the confidence of indigenous communities in the fairness of the professional system by providing information about lawyers’ ethical obligations and the Barreau’s role as a professional body. By developing these tools for communication and support, the Barreau du Québec wishes to demonstrate its commitment to deploy additional resources to carry out its mission of protecting the public in the North and throughout Quebec by working with legal agencies and communities.